Sometimes change is forced upon us from external circumstances.
Other times we choose the change we want.
As the calendar marks a change of season, I, as a life coach, find this is an excellent time to pause to evaluate, assess and reflect to empower your choices as you wrap up the year.
We’ve compiled a few common challenges from our life coaching toolkit as prompts for personal reflection you may find helpful.
You may be due for a reset when…
1. Your schedule does not reflect your stated personal priorities. You find yourself exhausted at the end of each day without enough time to do the things you say you are committed to and value most.
2. You feel drained by people, places, and things to do. For example, your garden plants need to be planted, your desk needs to be free of clutter, and you feel drained by your friend's personality, but don't do anything daily about these items to move you forward.
3. You feel stuck within your budget constraints and money. You are unable to visualize anything different than what your current financial situation is.
4. You are missing a true community that you are connected to with like-minded people.
5. Your spiritual well-being (the ability to create) does not take first place in your life. You say you would like to spend daily time in prayer, meditative reading, or other forms of personal spiritual self-care, but life keeps getting in your way.
6. You are always busy. You are running from one appointment to the next. You say you would like to slow down but can't. Peace of mind seems like an impossible dream.
7. You believe that thinking about you and your needs is self-centered and rude. If you think that putting your needs before others is not how you should dare live, but at the same time you are feeling more frustrated and resentful in regards to the commitments you have made or are living without joy, but fulfilling your dutiful obligations.
If any of these scenarios seem like the reason(s) or stumbling blocks to why you have not created your ideal life in the past - then I would like to invite you to consider working with a life coach, like myself. There’s never been a better time to choose the change you want.
Life coaching is action and growth-oriented and is made for the client who is ready for change yet finds themselves in situations just like those listed above. If this describes you, check out our discovery session or life coaching package.
Book before Sept 30 and receive $50 off a single coaching session (use code FALL50) or $250 off a 5-session package (use code 250SEPT).